Find insights and trends about Singapore Job Market with 24262 salaries!
- Information Technology (10455)
- Banking and Finance (4832)
- Engineering (3277)
- Consulting (2070)
- Sciences / Laboratory / R&D (1514)
- Accounting / Auditing / Taxation (1085)
- Others (1025)
- Education and Training (778)
- Sales / Retail (570)
- Insurance (566)
- Admin / Secretarial (523)
- Manufacturing (462)
- Customer Service (457)
- Logistics / Supply Chain (431)
- Marketing / Public Relations (418)
- Risk Management (415)
- Professional Services (389)
- Building and Construction (315)
- Human Resources (304)
- Healthcare / Pharmaceutical (239)
- Hospitality (234)
- Repair and Maintenance (208)
- General Management (192)
- F&B (170)
- Telecommunications (135)
- Design (133)
- Legal (125)
- Real Estate / Property Management (109)
- Advertising / Media (86)
- Environment / Health (85)